

  • SBP ≥140mmHg OR

  • DBP ≥90mmHg

    • 2 occasions, 4hrs apart

  • AND after 20wks gestation

    • Think gestational trophoblastic if <20wks

  • ± Proteinuria

    • ≥0.3 g in 24-hour urine OR

    • Protein/creatinine ratio ≥0.3 OR

    • Dipstick ≥2+

  • In baby: can ➔ IUGR, pre-term

  • In mom: can ➔ seizure, DIC, ARDS, renal failure, hemorrhagic stroke

Preeclampsia with severe features

  • SBP ≥160mmHg OR

  • DBP ≥110mmHg

  • Thrombocytopenia (<100k)

  • SrCr >1.1 (or double baseline)

  • AST/ALT double NML

  • Pulmonary edema

  • HA not responding to analgesics

  • Visual sx

Hyperreflexia a common finding in preeclampsia

Preeclampsia TX

Induction of fetal lung maturity

  • 24 to <34wks gestation with risk of delivery in 7d

    • IM betamethasone (2doses q12hrs)

    • IM dexamethasone (4doses q12hrs)

Urgent BP control in pregnancy

Target BP: 130-150 / 80-100 (↓ MAP no more than 25% over 2hrs)

  • Labetalol, 20mg, IV over 2mins, q10 min BPs

    • If BP remains above target

      • At 10 minutes, give 40mg

      • At 20 minutes, give 80mg

      • At 30 minutes, give 80mg

      • At 40 minutes, give 80mg

    • MAX DOSE: 300mg

  • OR Hydralazine, 5 mg, IV over 1 to 2mins, q20 min BPs

      • If BP remains above target

      • At 20 minutes, give 5 or 10mg

      • At 40 minutes, give 10mg

    • MAX DOSE: 30mg

  • Other options: Dihydropyridine CCBs

    • Nifedipine XR, 30mg, PO

    • Nifedipine IR, 10mg, PO (↑ risk Mom’s BP tanking and FHR decelerations)

    • Nicardipine, 5mg/hr, IV infusion

Seizure (Eclampsia) PPX

  • Magnesium sulfate

    • 6g, 10% solution IV over 15-20mins then infusion of 2g/h

    • Or 10g, 50% solution IM (5mg into each buttock) then 5g IM q4hrs

    • Maintain Mg > 2mmol/L

  • Renal insufficiency (SrCr 1.0-1.5) or oliguria (< 30mL/hr for >4hrs)

    • 4-6g loading followed by 1g/hr

  • Check Mg level if:

    • Seizures while receiving MgSO4

    • Renal insufficiency

    • SSX Mg toxicity (upper normal: 2.5)

      • Lost DTR - 7 to 10 mEq/L

      • Respiratory paralysis - 10 to 13 mEq/L

      • Altered cardiac conduction - >15 mEq/L

      • Cardiac arrest - >25 mEq/L

        • TX with 10 mL of 10% calcium gluconate IV (1g)

Delivery is only cure for preeclampsia

ACEi/ARB contraindicated in pregnancy

Bedrest no longer recommended (pregnancy already hypercoagulable state)


  • Hemolysis

  • Elevated Liver enzymes

  • Low Platelets

    • Liver hematoma ➔ RUQ pain/hepatomegaly

    • Considered a form of preeclampsia but can occur without HTN or proteinuria

  • TX

    • <34wks: Betamethasone and magnesium sulfate

    • ≥ 34wks: Immediate delivery