Lipid Disorders

Dyslipidemia - Abnormal lipid levels, high LDL, low HDL

Hyperlipidemia -↑ lipid levels (total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides)

Hypercholesterolemia - Total cholesterol > 200 mg/dL

Hypertriglyceridemia - Triglyceride > 150 mg/dL

Hyperlipoproteinemia - ↑ lipoproteins

Lipid Profile

  • Total cholesterol: < 200

    • Borderline: 200-239

    • High: > 240

  • Triglycerides: < 150

    • Borderline: 150-199

    • High: > 200

    • Very high: > 500

  • LDL: < 100

    • Near optimal: 100-129

    • Borderline: > 130

    • High: > 160

    • Very high: > 190

  • HDL: > 60

    • Low: < 40

  • LDL/HDL ratio:

    • ♂< 3.5

    • ♀ < 3.0


  • HTN/inflammation ➔ endothelial dysfunction

  • Monocyte & lymphocyte invade compromised vessel

  • Platelets adhere to damaged ➔ inflammatory cytokines & platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)

  • PDGF ➔ migration and proliferation of smooth muscle cells ➔ fibroblasts differentiate into myofibroblasts

  • Macrophages, SMCs ingest cholesterol (oxidized LDL) ➔ lipid filled macrophages (foam cells) ➔ fatty streaks (atherosclerotic lesions)

  • Extracellular matrix with collagen ➔ fibrous plaque (atheroma)

  • Macrophages secrete matrix metalloproteinases ➔ break down fibrous cap

  • Intima calcified

  • Stress ➔ fibrous cap rupture ➔ exposure of thrombogenic material

  • Thrombus ➔ occlusion of vessel

Lipid Disorders


Acquired: ↑ cholesterol ➔ ↑ cardiovascular risk from atherosclerosis

  • Lifestyle: DM, ↑BMI, ↓ SPA, ↑ etOH

  • β-blockers, thiazides, steroids, estrogen supplementation, antipsychotics

  • Hypothyroid, cholestasis, nephrotic syndrome, cushing disease

Genetic: ↑ risk of developing atherosclerosis at young age

Deficient or missing LDL receptors or ApoB GOF mutation (➔ ↑ LDL endocytosis)

  • Familial hypercholesterolemia

    • Heterozygote: Total cholesterol > 250; Homozygote (↑↑rare): Total cholesterol > 600

    • normal triglycerides

  • Familial combined hyperlipidemia (more common)

    • ↑↑↑ total cholesterol, ↑ triglycerides

↑ VLDL production

  • Familial hypertriglyceridemia (MC)

    • Normal/↑ total cholesterol, ↑↑↑ triglycerides


  • Premature atherosclerosis likely has genetic source

    • CAD, aortic stenosis, PAD in young and seemingly healthy pt

  • Xanthoma: nodular lipid deposits in skin/tendon

    • Histology: Foam cells and multinucleated histiocytes (Touton giant cells)

  • Xanthelasma: yellow plaques on medial upper eyelid

  • Severe hypertriglyceridemia

    • Pancreatitis (pain radiating to back)

    • Lipemia retinalis (white vessels on fundo exam)



  • Get lipid profile on new, young pts if they weren't screened as a child

    • Make sure familial lipid disorder isn't present

  • Get lipid profile if > 20yo without ASCVD but have family hx

  • Start lipid screening at 35yo in low risk

Starting Statin

  • Start statin if any manifestation of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

    • Stroke, MI/angina/HF, PAD, aortic atherosclerosis, thoracic or abdominal aortic aneurysm

  • Start statin if 40 - 75yo and diabetic (regardless of ASCVD risk)

    • Aim for LDL of 70

  • Start statin immediately if LDL ≥190

    • Initiate statin, aggressive lifestyle modifications, genetic screening

  • If LDL < 190:

    • 20 - 39yo with↑ CVD risk (HTN, smoking, ↑ BMI / ↓ SPA, family hx of CHD)

      • Informal CVD risk estimate to determine statin initiation

    • 40 - 75yo

Who wouldn't get a statin?

  • 40-75yo with LDL < 70 and ASCVD risk < 7.5%

    • Can confirm that this ridiculously healthy pt with no RF doesn't need statin by coronary artery calcium (CAC) score of 0

    • CAC score 1-99 ➔ statin

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Liver disease

  • Taking amiodarone or protease inhibitors (HIV)

  • Addicted to grapefruit juice (like more than a cup a day) or crossfit


  • Lifestyle changes (diet, fish oil, omega 3 FA, ↑ PA)

  • To ↓ LDL - Statin: Rosuvastatin (most potent)

    • Add ezetimibe if statin alone doesn't bring down LDL by 50%

    • Add bile acid sequestrants (cholestyramine) if statin + ezetimibe not effective

    • Add PCSK-9 in familial hypercholesterolemia not controlled on statin + ezetimibe

  • To ↑ HDL - Niacin

  • To ↓ triglycerides - Fibrates


  • Low LDL (< 100)

  • High HDL (> 40)

  • Triglycerides (< 150)

  • Total (< 200)

  • LDL:HDL (♂ < 3.5, ♀ < 3.0)