Menstruation & Contraception


Follicular Phase Day 0-10

  • Proliferative phase begins after menstrual phase

  • FSH ➔ Granulosa cells ➔ ↑ estradiol and aromatase ➔ ↑"estrogen"

    • ↑ estrogen initially ⊣ FSH (negative feedback)

  • LH ➔ Theca cells ➔ progesterone and androstenedione

Follicular Phase Day 11-14

  • As follicle continues to grow ➔ ↑ ↑ estrogen ➔ ↑ FSH ➔ ↑ LH (positive feedback)

    • ↑ in LH ➔ ovulation (1-2d before ovulation occurs)

Luteal Phase Day 14-15

  • Start of secretory phase of endometrium

  • Follicle ➔ corpus luteum

    • Secretion of progesterone and inhibin ➔ ↓ FSH and ↓ estrogen

Luteal Phase Day 15-28

  • Corpus luteum ➔ corpus albicans

  • ➔ ↓ progesterone and ↓ inhibin ➔ ↑ FSH ➔ ↑ estrogen

  • If pregnancy occurs

    • β-HCG maintains corpus luteum ➔ ↑ progesterone and estrogen

Menstrual disorders

Dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain)

  • Before or during menstruation

  • Primary dysmenorrhea

    • Abnormal prostanoid secretion/↑ prostaglandin (PGF2-⍺) ➔ stronger contraction ➔ painful, spasmodic cramps, first days of menstruation

    • Young onset, typically peaks on 1st day of menses

    • N/V/D, fatigue, headache (prostaglandins)

  • Secondary dysmenorrhea from PID, IUD, fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, IBD

    • Typically older onset

    • Absence of N/V/D, fatigue, headache (prostaglandins)

    • TX with NSAIDs and dual oral contraceptives


Primary amenorrhea (never had period)

  • Absence of menarche at 15yo despite development of 2° sex characteristics OR

  • Absence of menarche at 13yo without 2° sex characteristics

    • Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

      • Prader-Willi syndrome, sports, stress, eating disorders ➔ ↓ GnRH

    • Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism

      • Turner syndrome ➔ GnRH released but ovaries don't produce estrogen/progesterone

Secondary amenorrhea (had period but doesn't have now)

  • >3 mo with previously regular cycle, >6mo with previously irregular cycle

    • MCC pregnancy

    • Meds, hypo/hyperthyroid, hyperprolactinemia, adrenal insufficiency, excessive exercise

Amenorrhea DX: Get HCG, FSH, LH, prolactin, thyroid function, testosterone

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

  • Dyspareunia, breast tenderness, ABD pain, GI, bloating, weight gain, migraine, drowsy, mood

    • During luteal phase: 5 days before menstruation for at least 3 consecutive cycles

  • TX with diet and exercise and dual oral contraceptives

  • NSAIDs for sx

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

  • Severe affective sx/behavioral changes ➔ clinically significant life disturbances present for most of preceding year

    • Depressed mood, labile, anxiety, anger, sleep disturbance, ∆ appetite, pain, headache

  • Start with diary to record sx for year

  • TX with dual oral contraceptives and/or

  • Fluoxetine (SSRI) either continuously or day 14 of cycle and stopped at start of menses



  • Menstruation permanently stops (~45-55yo)

  • ↓ follicles ➔ ↓ estrogen/progesterone ➔ ↑ GnRH ➔ ↑ LH/FHS ➔ irregular menses

  • ↑ estrone synthesis

  • ↑ LDL and ↓ HDL ➔ ↑ risk of coronary artery disease

  • ↓ estrogen ➔ osteoporosis

  • SSX

    • Mental: Mood swings, sleep disturbance, anxiety, libido

    • Autonomic: Hot flashes/sweating, vertigo, headache

    • Atrophic: ↓ breast size, vaginal and urinary tract atrophy ➔ ↑ UTI

  • DX

    • Peri-menopause: from first sx to 1year after menopause

      • Labs may be useful: ↓ estrogen/progesterone/inhibin B, ↑ FSH (>30)

      • Hot flashes (MC sx)

    • Pre-menopause: from first irregular periods to last period

    • Menopause: DX after 12mo of amenorrhea

      • Always check TSH since hyperthyroid can present similarly

  • TX

    • Vaginal estrogen creams

    • Osteoporosis prevention (exercise, Vit D)

    • Severe sx, premature menopause, or s/p oophorectomy

      • Short-term hormone replacement

        • Estrogen alone only if hysterectomy

          • Unopposed estrogen ➔ endometrial hyperplasia ➔ ↑ risk of endometrial cancer, VTE, cardiovascular disease, gallbladder disease

        • Estrogen/progesterone (never give unopposed estrogen to a woman with her uterus still present)

          • ↑ risk of breast cancer

        • Hormone replacement CI: breast/endometrial cancer, liver disease, hyperlipidemia, CAD, VTE hx

          • ↑ risk of breast cancer

      • Can use Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators: tamoxifen, raloxifene

      • Can add SSRI


  • Hormonal contraception ⊣ GnRH ➔ no LH/FSH surge

    • Estrogen ⊣ follicle maturation and ovulation

    • Progesterone ⊣ ovulation only

  • Dual contraception (estrogen and progesterone)

    • Good for contraception, hyperandrogenism, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, leiomyomas

    • Dual oral contraceptives, ortho/evra patch, Nuva ring

    • ↑ risk of VTE, HTN, cardiac events

  • Progesterone only (really important to take at same time everyday)

    • Good for women if estrogen CI

    • More breakthrough bleeding, possible ↑ breast cancer risk

    • Hormonal IUD contain only progestin (no estrogen)

  • Copper IUD

    • Inflammatory reaction makes endometrium toxic to sperm ⊣ implantation

    • Associated with menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea

      • Can give 3mo of dual oral contraceptives after placement

  • Contraindications for dual oral contraceptives

    • Migraine with aura

    • Uncontrolled HTN

    • Known thrombogenic mutation

    • Hx of VTE/MI/CVA/heart defect

    • Smoking > 35

    • Lupus, antiphospholipid AB, vasculitis

  • BOLO for ACHES:

    • ABD pain

    • Chest pain

    • Headache

    • Eye problem (clot)

    • Severe leg pain

Postpartum contraception

  • Can become pregnant again within 6-8 weeks after birth

  • Progestin can be started any time post-partum but must take at same time daily to be effective

  • Must wait 21d until estrogen containing contraception (↑ risk of VTE)

  • IUD: Can be hormonal because of localized progestin effects

    • Within 10mins (postplacental)

    • Up to one week after delivery (early postpartum)

    • 6-8 weeks after (delayed postpartum)

Emergency contraception

  • Cu IUD (5d)

  • Levonorgesterol (progestin) (48hrs)

  • Ulipristal acetate (5d, delays ovulation)